Sustainability Leadership Strategies
supporting SP members in better understanding the rapidly changing Sustainability landscape and proactively preparing their organizations to address current and emerging Sustainability expectations.
Increasingly, essential stakeholders (especially investors, customers and potentially regulators) are framing environmental issues in the broader Sustainability context – expanding the corporate environmental agenda and creating new challenges and opportunities. As a result, in 2022 SP created an effort focused on environmental issues within that broader context, ensuring a complete understanding of relevant environmental issues but not getting drawn beyond environment into purely social or governance aspects.
In 2022, SP worked with an expert partner (Nadler Strategies) to facilitate a series of member workshops focused on identifying key ESG leadership challenges and opportunities relevant to the SP membership. Building on the outcomes of that workshop series, SP engaged another expert partner (T-3 Strategies) to lead a workstream throughout 2023 focused on internal-facing, action-oriented ESG leadership tools and strategies. The outcomes of that workstream included the discussion of an overall SP ESG Leadership Communications and Engagement Framework, and collaborative development of SP ESG Leadership Communications and Engagement Maturity Roadmap.
In 2024, SP will continue working to build out the SP ESG Leadership Communications and Engagement Roadmap in a series of quarterly workshops focused on Tactics & Tools by Sustainability Journey. In this series of workshops, members of the SP ESG Leadership work group will continue to detail and develop key tactics and tools that underly the SP ESG Leadership Communications and Engagement Roadmap. Intended outputs of this work will focus on industry-driven frameworks and tools to deliver effective ESG-related internal communications and build engagement to address differing perspectives within organizations.