SP Pollinator Project Challenge — 2022 Invitation

SP’s Biodiversity Work Group has established a vision to “demonstrate leadership as an industry by working together to create a connected corridor of wildlife habitat across our operations, and within the communities in which we operate, to create meaningful new habitat for migratory species of concern in North America such as the Monarch butterfly”.

In support of this vision, a voluntary SP Pollinator Project Challenge was launched to provide a platform to educate, engage and recognize the actions of groups across the automotive value chain in implementing voluntary pollinator conservation projects that are individually meaningful, yet have the potential to be collectively groundbreaking.  To date participating members have reported over 200 pollinator projects collectively representing more than 2500 acres of corporate lands being managed as pollinator habitat.

As we approach year end, we would invite those automotive companies that have been working on pollinator projects to share a progress report on your efforts.  For those new companies that have not previously shared pollinator data with SP, we would look forward to receiving information on any/all active pollinator projects across your company that you may wish to share. For those that reported pollinator data to SP in the past, we only ask that you report any updated data on projects that have been newly implemented, expanded or discontinued in this last calendar year.

simple online form may be used for reporting on a pollinator project at a single site, or an Excel template is available for those reporting on projects across multiple sites.  For those that plan to report on their progress, we ask that 2022 pollinator project data be submitted to SP by January 16, 2023. SP will use the information provided in continuing to tell the story of industry efforts and impacts in support of pollinator conservation. 

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