SP Participates in Scope 3 Strategy Summit

In late June, our Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) team was pleased to participate in the first US meeting of the Scope 3 Peer Group, a global collective of scope 3 practitioners from across industries.

On the first day of the event which was held in Chicago, SP Board Member Fred Gersdorff of General Motors and SP’s Director Kellen Mahoney were invited to share the automotive industry’s experiences and successes in developing multi-tier, peer collaborations to drive supply chain decarbonization progress, including a recently announced collaborative program with Manufacture 2030.

The following day SP had the opportunity to support a workshop for automotive and industrial sector attendees to continue discussion on further opportunities for collaboration along the value chain. The workshop was facilitated by Proxima drawing on insights from its Scope 3 Maturity Benchmark, which has been completed by a number of SP’s members, and included a case study on supplier engagement from SP members RENEW Energy Partners and American Honda Motor Company, Inc.

To learn more about the Scope 3 Peer Group, visit: https://www.scope3peergroup.com/

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