SP Launching New ESG Leadership Strategies Project

Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) has launched a new ESG Leadership Strategies project and would invite interested SP member companies to consider volunteering to participate. SP has engaged Nadler Strategy as an expert partner to support the organization in the launch of this new effort, which is being co-chaired by SP member companies General Motors and Robert Bosch.

In the 1st and 2nd Quarters of 2022, SP hosted two virtual member workshops focused on evolving ESG leadership challenges and opportunities. Based on the strong engagement in those sessions and subsequent member feedback, an additional opportunity was identified for SP to support its members by providing a venue for focused exploration of evolving ESG strategies relative to the automotive sector and supply chain. 

The focus for SP in this project will clearly be on environmental issues, placed within the ESG context, including growing interaction with social and governance expectations. This workstream will not attempt to move into the important but distinct social and governance issues included in ESG.

Three member workshops are planned in the second half of 2022 to kickoff this new project. Each workshop will be facilitated by Nadler Strategy and will be designed to be highly interactive, participants should come ready to listen, learn and share their perspectives.

To learn more about this new project and opportunities to participate as an SP member, please contact us at info@supplierspartnership.org

© 2025 Suppliers Partnership for the Environment