New SP Guidance on Nature-Related Terms and Definitions

Washington, DC –The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) – an association of global automakers and their suppliers working together to advance environmental sustainability through the automotive supply chain – today announced the availability of a new guidance document, Nature-Related Terms and Definitions.

As with many industries, the automotive industry relies on nature for essential raw materials such as leather, rubber, steel, aluminum, and a wide range of other metals and minerals. The industry both depends on, and has the opportunity to impact, nature at nearly every stage throughout the value chain, from the design, sourcing, manufacturing, use, and disposal of automotive products and components. 

Through an SP Nature Based Solutions Work Group, automakers and suppliers are working together to explore opportunities to identify, develop and advance nature-based solutions as effective tools to improve climate resilience and pollution prevention, as well as provide human well-being and biodiversity benefits.  One recent example is SP’s collaboration with the Wildlife Habitat Council on research exploring opportunities for the automotive industry to implement nature-based solutions to prevent pollution and support biodiversity.

The purpose of this latest document is to provide general industry-supported guidance to raise awareness of key nature-related terms and enhance consistency in communications on this topic across the automotive value chain.

This guidance document was produced through a collaborative process by the Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) Nature Based Solutions Work Group, co-chaired by Navi Uppal of American Honda Motor Company, Inc. and, Barry Stuedemann and Jay Womack of GZA. The document included input from a range of SP work group members representing both automakers and tiered suppliers.

The guidance document is available to download at no cost at

About SP

The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) provides a forum for global automotive manufacturers and their large and small suppliers to work together toward a shared vision of an automotive industry with positive environmental impact. Learn more at:

Contact: Kellen Mahoney,

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