SP Responsible Battery Work Group
providing a forum for automakers and suppliers to work together to advance responsible management of advanced vehicle batteries
SP’s Responsible Battery Work Group provides a forum to promote information exchange on challenges and opportunities related to end of life (EOL) management of advanced batteries in EVs / PHEVs and to identify opportunities for strategic pre-competitive collaboration across the value chain to advance best practices in responsible management of such batteries in North America.
The Work Group traditionally holds an in-person workshop in connection with SP’s Quarterly Membership meetings, along with regular conference calls and selected member site visit / tour opportunities. These discussions are focused on key issues identified by work group members, such as:
- Addressing safe and proper recovery of EV batteries. Strategies / practices for optimizing safe and proper collection, storage and transportation of end of life EV batteries in NA, including collection from third parties.
- Maximizing the value of the total EV battery unit across the lifecycle. Exploring challenges / opportunities to maximize value of the total EV battery unit across the lifecycle, including sustainable management of non-cell components.
- Data / communication to support responsible EV battery management. Facilitating direct communication and information sharing related to responsible EV battery management challenges, needs and opportunities between OEMs, suppliers, recyclers and other stakeholders across the value chain.
Featured Resource – EV Battery Safe Handling Guidance
The document succinctly summarizes some of the available resources, options and considerations related to handling of EV batteries after their removal from a vehicle, including topics related to 1) battery identification, 2) safety prevention, 3) thermal runaway, and 4), the roles of authorities. It also includes links to several relevant regulations and standards for those seeking additional information on the topic.

Featured Resource – EV Battery Transportation Guidance
The guidance document is designed as an informational resource highlighting some of the noteworthy regulations and current requirements that stakeholders handling an EV battery at the end of its useful life will need to understand and comply with.

Featured Resource – EV Battery Management Infographics
Three Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Management infographics to visually inform battery holders of good practices to consider in preparing EV batteries for transportation.

Featured Resource – EV Battery Safe Handling Resources
Collection of resources that may be helpful to recyclers, repurposers and other stakeholders seeking additional information regarding safe handling and proper disposal of end of life electric vehicle batteries.