Opportunity for Input on Environmental Goals / Needs
At SP’s January 2020 Q1 membership meeting, SP’s Chair Kevin Butt shared information on the SP Executive Committee’s commitment to develop a new strategic plan for SP that continues to build on the organization’s successes while pursuing additional opportunities to collectively make a meaningful impact in contributing to the automotive industry’s environmental sustainability aspirations.
Over the coming months, the SP Executive Committee plans to propose an update to SP’s vision and mission for member consideration, together with a short-term action plan of activities to continue to move us toward our long-term vision.
As part of this process, SP would like to seek additional input on the environmental sustainability goals / needs of companies in the automotive supply chain. This short survey should only take a few minutes of your time to complete, and may help in informing SP’s strategy for the future. Note that the survey results will be anonymized and reported in aggregate form only.
To provide your input, please complete our survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QV96T6Z no later than Friday, February 21.