SP’s Alianza Verde Automotriz meets in Mexico City

On November 28, Ford hosted the Fall meeting of SP’s Alianza Verde Automotriz (AVA) initiative at the Ford Distributors Association in Santa Fe, CDMX.

Luis Lara opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees to the Ford offices.  The meeting then continued with presentations on air emissions, biodiversity conservation, transportation / logistics and SP activities in the United States, including speakers from Edison Energy, SEMARNAT, General Motors and SP.

Later in the day attendees separated into three working groups focused on energy, water and waste to discuss and agree on specific projects for each AVA work group to pursue in 2019. Participants also shared updates on recent environmental success stories from their companies, as well as the results of recent AVA strategic planning meetings.

Finally, during the meeting the members voted to re-brand AVA to ALIANZA AUTOMOTRIZ PARA LA SUSTENTABILIDAD AMBIENTAL (AASA) to better reflect the current mission of the organization.  A new logo for AASA will be unveiled in early 2019.

Special thanks to Luis Lara and the Ford team for their support in hosting this meeting. Please contact AVA’s Program Manager Don Harris if you’d like to learn more about AASA and participation in future events.

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