SP Q1 2021 Membership Meeting – Part 2
The Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) Q1 Membership Meeting was held as a virtual event over January 26-28, 2021. SP’s quarterly membership meetings are designed to provide a forum for global automotive manufacturers, their large and small suppliers, and other partners from around the world to work together toward a shared vision of an automotive industry with positive environmental impact.
Building on discussions on long-term automotive industry environmental sustainability goals in SP’s Q3 2020 and Q4 2020 membership meetings, this quarter’s session focused in on water stewardship goals and actions within the industry.
The session began with presentations from several expert guest speakers introducing water challenges and opportunities relevant to the automotive industry.

Michele Riotta (CDP) began with a review of CDP’s water disclosure process and its engagement with OEMs and suppliers across the global automotive value chain related to carbon and water disclosure, providing an overview of key topics addressed in CDP’s water questionnaire and a summary of recent data on the water performance of automotive suppliers responding to CDP.
Matt Howard (Alliance for Water Stewardship) then discussed AWS’ work with companies in identifying and managing water risks, and reviewed how the AWS Standard can provide a strategic framework for sites implementing water stewardship efforts.
Eli Levine (US DOE) concluded the morning session with an overview of DOE’s Better Plants program and its work with manufacturers to help them achieve their energy, water, and waste reduction goals, including a range of publicly available tools and resources to help companies set, track, and meet water savings goals.
The session continued with presentations from SP member companies introducing their water stewardship goals, key definitions used in the goals, and examples of actions that are being taking to advance water stewardship efforts.

Emilio Tenuta (Ecolab) introduced Ecolab’s 2030 Impact goals, including its goal to achieve a net-positive water impact in its global operations, and shared case studies on how Ecolab has successfully implemented water stewardship inititiaves at its own sites, as well as in partnership with its automotive customers.
Andy Hobbs (Ford) then reviewed Ford’s global water strategy, introducing the next generation of Ford’s water strategy and goals through 2025, while highlighting examples of ways in which Ford has been able to minimize or eliminate water usage in specific manufacturing processes as well as positively impact the communities where it operates.
Mark Yamauchi (Toyota) reviewed Toyota’s environmental focus areas in North America as well as its global 2050 environmental challenge goals relating to water, and discussed Toyota’s strategy and process for moving beyond water management to water stewardship through its 5-year environmental action plan in North America.
Eduardo Craviato (Bocar) and Fred Graichen (Bocar) discussed water stress in the areas of Mexico where Bocar’s facilities are located, and the goals and programs Bocar has developed to minimize its water usage and move toward zero liquid discharge at its facilities, as well as the progression of the company’s next generation water strategy beyond 2022.
The session provided attendees a thorough review of the long-term water stewardship goals and aspirations of leading companies in the automotive industry, together with examples and best practices from successful water stewardship programs that have been implemented, which will continue to be addressed through future SP membership meetings and initiatives.
Following the presentations attendees had the opportunity to view several SP member-submitted videos within the virtual event platform, some of which are embedded below.
General Motors Ultium Platform
Heritage Group Techstars Partnership
Check out part one for more details on the prior Q1 meeting sessions.
SP’s next quarterly membership meeting is scheduled to be held as a virtual event on April 27-29, 2021. As always, SP members and collaborators are encouraged to reach out to learn more about how to get involved in SP work group activities and initiatives and to share your ideas to keep moving us toward our shared vision of an automotive industry with positive environmental impact.
Additional information on the Q1 meeting discussions, presentations and next steps is available to current SP member companies. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about SP and opportunities to participate as a member.