SP / M2030 Webinar: Empowering manufacturing teams with knowledge from inside & outside your business to supercharge your resource efficiency & sustainability program

Please join us for an SP Webinar on May 31

Empowering manufacturing teams with knowledge from inside & outside your business to supercharge your resource efficiency & sustainability programme

To be constantly improving our efficiency and profitability, all while reducing use of natural resources, we have to ensure we look both inside and outside your business for ideas, inspiration and solutions. But this can be hard to make time for when you’re busy running your existing business. The team behind Manufacture2030 have been working with manufacturing businesses for over 10years, helping them to access good practices inside & outside their walls with a simple and pragmatic online approach.

When: 10am EDT (3pm BST) Thurs 31st May 2018.

Where: Sign up here

What: Join Kellen (SP), Nick (Manufacture2030)  and Al (General Motors) for this short session covering:

  • How you and your team can use Manufacture2030, for free, to quickly supplement your ideas, connect with other SP members and solve real challenges on resource efficiency & sustainability.
  • Lessons learnt while developing the M2030 bee – a simple online tool for manufacturing teams to identify and manage resource efficiency projects – with industry inputs as diverse as Mars, DuPont, Rolls Royce, and many more. Including:
    • Less is almost always more when it comes to data.
    • Creating momentum through management behaviour
    • Bottling your internal knowledge without slowing your star performers
  • Al Hildreth from General Motors – who are piloting M2030 bee – will give his view on what he hopes he/his team can gain from cross-sector collaboration on sustainability & efficiency and what made him want to pilot M2030 bee at one of his plants.

You’ll take away:

  • An understanding of how you and your team can use Manufacture2030 to support your resource efficiency programme.
  • Some general good practices for reinvigorating site teams tasked with managing resource efficiency & sustainability.
  • Lessons learnt while managing cross-business knowledge sharing & collaboration programmes, that you can use to get the knowledge you need with minimum hassle.

Sign up for the session & get your calendar invite here.

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