SP EHS Forum meets at TestAmerica North Canton Lab

On the afternoon of October 23, SP members and partners participated in a meeting of SP’s Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Forum.  The meeting was hosted at TestAmerica’s North Canton Laboratory in Ohio, and included the opportunity for an in-depth tour of the environmental testing laboratory.

Co-chaired by Greg Rose (FCA US LLC) and Jack Nunes (Lear Corporation), the SP EHS Forum is designed to provide a platform for deeper discussion, networking and exchange of ideas on key EHS challenges and opportunities facing multinational automakers and their suppliers.

The October 23 meeting was facilitated by Jack Nunes and included discussion on industry supplier sustainability expectations, and methods for engaging suppliers on sustainability goals .  During the meeting, Alissa Yakali (Honda), Carole Mars (The Sustainability Consortium), Jennifer Anderson (Sustrana), Maya Smolcic and AJ Guikema (Tetra Tech) shared experiences with engaging suppliers on sustainability goals and offered case examples and strategies to support the group’s discussions. Through the discussion, participants considered opportunities to further enhance engagement and communication to support common industry sustainability goals, and SP will be seeking member input to prioritize those next steps identified.

The next SP EHS Forum meeting will be held on January 29, 2019 in connection with SP’s Q1 membership meeting.

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