SP Canada Environmental Sustainability Forum

On December 4, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) hosted the Suppliers Partnership for the Environment (SP) Canada‘s Environmental Sustainability Forum in Toronto, Ontario as part of the CEC’s project on “Improving the economic and environmental performance of the North American Automotive Industry Supply Chain”. The meeting was designed to provide a unique forum for automakers and their suppliers in Canada to network, learn from each other and share tools and environmental sustainability best practices in key areas such as energy efficiency, waste minimization and water efficiency.


Pictured: Participants at SP Canada Environmental Sustainability Forum

“As we launch SP’s new North American Work Group and drive continued growth of our SP Canada and Alianza Verde Automotriz (AVA) programs, we look forward to continued opportunities for automakers, their suppliers and government representatives to work together to improve environmental performance while increasing value throughout the automotive supply chain across North America,” said Steve Hellem, SP’s Executive Director.

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