GM Mexico Hosts the Fall 2019 Meeting of SP’s AASA in Mexico City
On November 7, General Motors Mexico hosted the Fall meeting of SP’s Alianza Automotriz para la Sustentabilidad Ambiental (AASA) initiative at GMM’s headquarters offices in Mexico City. A special thanks to Pablo Fernandez and the GMM team for their support in hosting this meeting.
AASA’s Fall meeting included discussion on topics such as emerging environmental legislative and regulatory initiatives in Mexico, air emissions and water management, and lithium-ion battery recycling, and included speakers from CONAGUA, SEMARNAT, GMM, Battery Solutions, Nalco Water and Amerris. The meeting also included small group discussions where participants identified key issues for consideration by AASA working groups in 2020.
Please contact AASA Program Assistant Marcela Tirado if you’d like to learn more about AASA and participation in future events.