2018 Automotive Industry IMDS and CAMDS Workshop

SP member Tetra Tech will host the first Automotive OEM IMDS and CAMDS Workshop at the Diamond Banquet Center at Suburban Collection Showplace on April 17, 2018. SP members may receive a discount by using the promo code “SP” when registering.

SP member companies GM, Ford, Honda, and Toyota will be presenting their International Material Data System (IMDS – www.mdsystem.com) and CAMDS requirements and will welcome supplier feedback regarding submission issues and concerns. Tetra Tech will provide IMDS Training Server logins so that those in attendance can go through a hands-on work session on how to correct common OEM rejections. By attending this Workshop, you will gain the knowledge and experience necessary to minimize or eliminate future rejections resulting in decreased IMDS workload.


  • To facilitate communication between the OEMs and the North American automotive supply chain and answer: “What Does my Customer want from me in IMDS and CAMDS Reporting?”
  • To provide specific hands-on technical training on how to fulfill these OEM requirements with a minimum amount of confusion, delays and avoid IMDS and CAMDS resubmissions due to differing OEMs requirements.
  • To provide a forum for dialogue amongst the OEMs and suppliers regarding how IMDS and CAMDS reporting can be further streamlined and requirements and expectations harmonized across the supply chain.
  • To address ways of efficiently (and legally) reporting material content to non-automotive customers for which IMDS or CAMDS may not be appropriate tools.
  • To answer the question: “What’s coming next?” What OEMs are changing their requirements soon? What upcoming changes within the IMDS system itself will affect your reporting? What new global regulations affecting IMDS reporting are on the horizon?

Learn more and register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-automotive-industry-imds-and-camds-workshop-tickets-38635011359 

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